About Me
Curiosity is easily one of my favorite words. Curiosity led me to disassemble anything with a motor in it, big and small (rest in peace portable cd player).

Curiosity also led me to cut up old cardboard boxes and design miniature pieces of furniture with the scraps. Naturally, that progressed into trips to Home Depot to buy the materials to make life sized versions of those designs.

While my parents applauded the results, I must admit that their praise was generous.
I have very encouraging parents.

Ultimately it was the cardboard scraps and Home Depot trips that led me to pursue Industrial Design as a major at University.
I quickly realized that I enjoyed taking pictures of my completed balsa wood and foam core projects more than actually designing and building them.

So naturally, I switched my major
…to sociology.

Sociology was actually a really great pick for me.
I grew up with a lot of social anxiety, and struggled to communicate with people; especially strangers.

Some emotional awareness and a few life changing events later, and I found my voice, as well as an interchangeable lens camera.

I have now spent the last 10 years of my life photographing architecture and interiors for some of the most talented interior designers and architects in the Southeast.

I’ve been in more hotels in one year than most people will experience in a lifetime.
Through the lens of my camera I’ve seen just about every select service brand offered by Marriott, Hilton, and IHG.

My passion for and understanding of: light & shadow, color & texture, and movement & space grows deeper every year.
I’m constantly astounded by how much detail and life exists just outside of our focus.

One key lesson I’ve learned in 10 years of photographing our built environments is that the finished photos always look better if we have fun while making them.
Give the world something beautiful to focus on.